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June 17, 2012

A Wish For Fathers This Father’s Day

IStock_0fathersonhuggingXSmallWishing all the dads across the world a wonderful Father’s Day. 
My wish for all of you:
•    May you experience the joy in your children like never before;
•    May you laugh hard with them, enjoy their company and make them a priority in your world.
•    May you realize that your greatest gift to them is your presence not your money and become their greatest anchor versus their biggest “provider”.
•    May you teach your sons to be thoughtful, caring AND strong so they become great men, fathers and husbands one day too.
•    May you teach your daughters to love themselves enough to know they deserve to be treated well and to accept nothing less from men or women.
•    May you experience the joy of your children looking up to you, admiring you and aspiring to be you, not just because you’re their dad but because you are a good man.
•    May you feel the warmth of you wife’s love as she admires the man you are.
•    May looking at your children, your family and your life bring a smile of pride and contentment to your face.
•    And most of all, may you be surrounded by people who love you, cherish you and are psyched to have you in their lives.

Happy Father’s Day to all of the great dads in the world…you make our world a better place.  May this Father’s Day bring you much joy, a lot of love and fantastic family moments that stay with you forever.




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