
INTERVIEW WITH PAM SLIM: February 12, 2010

How To Start a Business WIthout Destroying Your Relationships

This is a great podcast to reference if you're thinking about starting a new business and a little anxious about how to introduce this idea to your partner. As much as we all wish our partners would be delighted with all of our amazing ideas, the truth is it doesn't always play out that way. This podcast explores the ins and outs of talking to your partner about starting your own business in a way that is likely to lead to a positive outcome. If you're thinking of taking this major step then sit back, relax and listen to how to discuss this major shift with your partner. Good luck with your conversation and here's to a successful business launch!

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The Biggest Secret to Building Healthy Relationships

Healthy relationships begin with healthy skills. This podcast outlines the two most life-changing skills necessary in any relationship: healthy self-esteem and healthy boundaries. For those people who would like to create relationships that fuel them, this podcast is a must.

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