Straight Talk Blogs

Straight Talk 4 Women

Straight Talk 4 Women Blog

The Straight Talk 4 Women blog is the result of many conversations Lisa has had with hundreds of women throughout the years. Too many of these women were struggling in their relationships and settling for things no one should be settling for.

Lisa is passionate about helping women create cherishing relationships. She believes women deserve to be in relationships that add to our lives not take away from them. In order for this to happen, however, we need to stop trying to change others and instead change ourselves.

This blog is all about focusing on the only person we have control of – ourselves. Lisa is a firm believer in the philosophy Changing Me, Changes We. Changing me will change my marriage, my children, my work and my life. Creating change starts with each one of us strengthening our core. By learning from this blog, women across the world will begin to take the necessary steps to create the lives they are looking for and absolutely deserve.

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